Love Note #15: Participating in Love's Revolution

Dear Heart,

There's this deep belief woven into our collective psyche that once the "good people" gain enough power to fix all the "bad things" and implement the "right policies," everything will be solved and the world will be healed. But can you see how this belief—this way of seeing and acting—is itself born from and perpetuating the very separation we'd like to heal?

Something happens when we let our whole identity as a change-maker die into something deeper. It's not about becoming a better activist or finding a more effective way to fight what's wrong. It's about stepping entirely off that game board of separation and discovering that there's a vastly different way of moving in the world—one that comes from the unified field of being itself.

From birth, we've been handed a pseudo-reality based on division and separation. It's woven so insidiously through everything—how we see the world, ourselves, our potential, our problems. We're so convinced we're seeing things as they are, but our worldview—built on conditioning, past fears, and handed-down beliefs—superimposes imagined separations and false hierarchies onto what is actually a seamless tapestry of being. Even our most heartfelt efforts, when we're moving from this conditioned place, spring from the root of that division. Even when we're trying to do good, even in our most heroic moments of standing against what we see as wrong—we're still moving from that old paradigm of separation, and unknowingly perpetuating it.

What we see as "the world" is like this vast machine running on delusional fuel, powered by our own life energy. It's in our psyches, our institutions, everything around us. We've created from it, and what we've created reinforces it, until we're swimming in a sea of separation that seems inescapable. But there's a way to wake up from its bad dream and move as the pristine flow of pure fresh aliveness and the radical emergent.

The way we split everything—me from you, now from then, here from there, point A from point B—is saturated with this delusion of separation. But when we awaken to the raw, vibrating unified field of life, we can see through this overlay. We can glimpse life in its natural, holistic vibrancy and potential, right here in the eternal now.

It can be challenging to live from this, even when we’ve touched it, know it, rest as it. The only ways we've known to move and speak are steeped in this old worldview. This is why everyone asks, "How do I live this off the meditation cushion? How do I bring this into my world?" The moment we stand up and interact, we can slip right back into division because its conditioned roots run so deep in our psyche, woven through everything we know.

To dissolve into unity, to become innocent again, to connect to that deep well where all is well—this is what is trustworthy. From that zero point, we can learn to wait for and recognize the impulses that come from life itself, rather than from our conditioned overlay. We can experiment at first with moving, making sounds, and slowly finding words that come from this place of unity.

The test is simple: am I moving from a place of raw simplicity, with no agenda, no end goal? Or am I being driven by undigested fears and ideas about how things "should" be? When we trust the Tao, this holy flow that moves through everything, we have to lay down all our sophisticated thinking and learn to act from the heart of the unknown. Sometimes it feels completely clueless, and yet absolutely, authentically right—even when our minds protest that it won't help anything.

The state of our world triggers our survival fears, our rage, our unprocessed pain. We project our wounds onto others and try to act from that place of "you're bad, I'm good, I'll make it right"—and find ourselves right back in the old pattern of colonizing consciousness. Allowing the old to die away and to experiment with and learn to ground in this fresh emergent vibrancy is no easy thing. It takes practice and risking, exploring and experimenting, and feeling a lot. It asks everything.

The humility required is enormous. We have to bow so low, willing to feel like everything might collapse if we don't take immediate action—and yet pause, sensing something deeper, something more beautiful that asks for our fidelity. Often our whole identity as an activist, as a doer, has to die. And what you're asked to do might completely confound your rational mind. You might think you're supposed to run around and freak out, but what your holy impulse calls you to do is take out your tea set and serve tea to a group of neighbors.

This aliveness isn't linear or rational. It doesn't have a clear beginning or end. It lives in the authentic promptings of each moment, asking us to trust what we've been taught to mistrust—a knowing that doesn’t come from the everyday mind or from anything that has ever been—it rises whole and simple and asks us to follow.

When we drop into this unified field—the impact of our movements is exponential. Our presence becomes a force in the field that we can't measure or understand. Who knows what kind of activism Ramana Maharshi was doing, sitting in his simple cloth? Who can measure the impact when three innocent children spontaneously join hands and sing?

To that part in all of us—that great rational mind charging in on horseback with sword raised to fix everything—I say with all my love: humble down. There's a deeper wisdom calling.

If you feel called to explore this territory—to experience directly what it means to step off the game board of separation and discover the ground of being out of which flows true action—I invite you to listen in to the free guided meditation Unity Beyond Division: A Meditation for All.

This journey calls to those who sense there's a deeper current moving beneath the surface of conventional activism—whether you're wrestling with overwhelm about world events, already engaged but seeking a more sustainable foundation, or simply sensing that your awakening carries a gift for the whole. Together, we'll explore what it means to serve not from the old paradigm of separation, but as clear channels through which the intelligence of life itself can move.

With love in the unified field,


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