Love Note #17: Who Owns You?
Dear Hearts,
A very real question stands before each of us. Who do we belong to in these times of distortion? Each moment asks: will we remain beholden to unconscious tendencies that would claim our life force, that require us to stay small, agreeable, and numb? Or will we stand alive and unflinchingly for what is real, for the sweetest pristine truth that lives in our hearts?
These times aren’t asking us to fight against “darkness” but to become sturdy gatekeepers of our own holy ground. Think of yourself as a bouncer at Club Reality–and honey, if that’s not on the guest list of what's true, it’s not getting in! (And trust me, the spiritual ego's fake ID isn't fooling anyone any more.) It's time to grow that inner protector–that badass, uncompromising presence that says “NO” to anything that would turn any of us into objects, that would co-opt our life force to power the machine of pseudo-reality.
Who owns you? This is the great reckoning we're in–not out there, but in here. Are you beholden to the external stockholders who have laid claim to your life force? Those unconscious co-opters that want to put their straw in your cup–and not the fun bendy kind–to turn you into an object that fills their holes, validates their sub-optimal choices, eases their discomfort?
The sometimes difficult truth is–we're always being used by something. The question is: what are we allowing ourselves to be used by? Are we letting our life force be harvested by the unconscious machine of separation that relies upon us being its obedient and underpaid servants? Or are we willing to be used by the Holy, to become instruments through which love can pour unobstructed into this world? Each moment invites us to choose anew–to align our precious life force with what's real, to become channels through which the holy current of reality can flow.
Are you willing to belong to the Holy alone? To sacrifice yourself not to the extractive powers of conditioning, but to the holy current that moves through everything? This is what it means to be a protector of reality–to stand unflinchingly in the direct perception of what is, to commit ourselves to this breath, this moment, this truth.
Just as we might divest our money from systems that harm, we're called to divest our life force from the matrix of distortion–moment by moment, breath by breath. This isn't a one-time choice but a continuous practice of withdrawing our energy from what isn't real and reinvesting it in the pristine truth of being. Every time we catch ourselves being pulled into the swirl of pseudo-reality, we can pause, feel our feet on the ground, and choose again to stand with what's real, heartful and of unity.
The world doesn't need more people fighting against “darkness.” It needs beings who are adamant about standing as light, who are willing to step off the game board of separation entirely and become channels through which love can move unobstructed. On the way, we meet and transform unconscious forces (formerly known as “dark”) to settle the discordant and reap and integrate the fruit.
We’re in this together. All of us.
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