Love Note #1: What Is the Foundation of Trust?

Hello Hearts!

Warm greetings to all of you, new friends and old! This is the first of a series of love notes you will be receiving weekly with juicy topics and sharing designed to inspire you on your journey of embodying your essence.

I’m writing to you from the sky above Denver, flying back from a yummy women’s retreat in Port Townsend, WA, hosted by long-time student Betsy Allen. A shout out to Betsy for her invitation, hosting, hard work and generosity as she welcomed 15 women into her home in the woods for four days. Our topic was trust and we looked at it from a variety of vantage points: trust in the Holy, trust in self, trust in life, trust in others.

Talking about trust… it makes me grin how all roads lead back to the simplicity of our presence and the flow of our experience, no matter what theme we are exploring together. How present we are to our lived experience, to our breath, to our sense of ground, to the movements within us, and to the expression of our impulses determines our level of trust at every level. How much we inhabit the full spectrum of who we are in its totality determines how much we trust ourselves to meet what life brings us. 

Why? Because as we are present to our experience, we grow in our wisdom about what we truly are. We deepen our relationship to this moment and all it contains. We are tutored in unity and belonging by the support of the earth beneath our feet, by the aliveness and spiritual energy in every breath, by the humming current of life that runs through our bodies. Dropping out of the mind, we are HERE for the direct flow of our experience. We are here for the moment as it is, rather than how the mind projects it to be.

In the light of presence, mistrust from undigested past experience shows itself, to be cleansed of emotion. Then we can build on what we CAN trust, free of projection. As we experiment, our capacities to sense, to know, to act on our best sense of what is trustworthy are honed. We grow in our ability to meet the moment in presence and simplicity, calling forth what is needed that is most skillful, loving and clear.

I am enthused as ever to support each of you to explore what it means to be embodied. Be present to the support of your deep breath, to your felt connection to earth’s constancy, to the aliveness in your body. Open to the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feels that invite you to leave stale concept and sink into the land of the living. Notice the mysterious way that light infuses and dances in your flesh as you land ever more fully here. This alive moment is where magic happens, weaving us into the whole and tutoring us in how to live and participate here in love’s plan.

I’d love the opportunity to support you in this!

Dive a little deeper into an exploration of trust in in this free recording of a class from our online school.

Dedicated to your unfolding from now until the end of time,


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